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The Science of Seasonal Smiles
MENTAL HEALTH, INDIVIDUALS, WOMEN'S HEALTH Cherry Tree Counselling & Psychotherapy Services MENTAL HEALTH, INDIVIDUALS, WOMEN'S HEALTH Cherry Tree Counselling & Psychotherapy Services

The Science of Seasonal Smiles

As the seasons change, so too can our emotional landscape.

The shifting colours of fall foliage or the onset of winter's chill not only alter our surroundings but can impact the delicate balance of our "happy hormones." Oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine play pivotal roles in our well-being, influencing our mood, energy, and sense of connection. Yet, as the days grow shorter and the temperature drops, these essential neurotransmitters can face challenges. The decrease in natural light, reduced outdoor activities, and shifts in our social interactions can lead to a decline in these vital chemicals, potentially ushering in feelings of isolation, lethargy, and low mood.

But fret not, for within the changing seasons lie opportunities for rejuvenation. In this blog post, we'll explore the fascinating interplay of these happy hormones and the transformative power of the seasons. We'll discuss the issues that arise with the changing weather, and, more importantly, unveil the solutions that can help you embrace each season with a renewed sense of joy and well-being.

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